emacs - Clojure: are there docs for java functions e.g. Math/exp? -

i expect (doc math/exp) give me doesn't. sure it's not clojure function, still there should way reach documentation.

closest thing can (javadoc math). prefer actual doc page string:

static double exp(double a) returns euler's number e raised power of double value. 

upd: signature reflection

here's how can signature:

(.tostring (first (filter #(= (.getname %) "exp") (.getmethods math)))) 

i'm hoping similar way doc.

upd: no doc reflection

according question how read javadoc comments reflection?, it's not possible doc reflection. wonder if it's possible re-use of eclipse code give access docs.

simply start typing method name intend use:


and cursor on "exp" , press m-.

see cider docs more related hotkeys https://cider.readthedocs.io/en/latest/interactive_programming/

if install "company-mode", searching class intend use gets easier via autocomplete.


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