ios - iOS7 style mapview callout segue in the callout (calloutAccessoryControlTapped, UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure) -

i have mapview on ipad annotations , callouts, each callout has rightcalloutaccessoryview detail disclosure button. see stock maps app performs segue callout details within callout's object. first performs transition of view right left push segue, resizes callout frame based on detail's content.

how should configure segue in storyboard performed within original callout , not replace entire screen? push segue or popover? if it's popover, how should configure anchor , passthrough?

- (void)mapview:(mkmapview *)mapview annotationview:(mkannotationview *)view calloutaccessorycontroltapped:(uicontrol *)control {     [self performseguewithidentifier:@"contactdetail" sender:self]; } 

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