javascript - How to parse data from HTML and export in Excel in PHP -

this question exact duplicate of:

i want read html table data html page (without using of data base) , export excel file . using javascript cede not working. please suggest me, new here.

   function write_to_excel() {   str="";  var mytable = document.getelementsbytagname("table")[0]; var rowcount = mytable.rows.length; var colcount = mytable.getelementsbytagname("tr")[0].getelementsbytagname("td").length;   var excelapp = new activexobject("excel.application"); var excelsheet = new activexobject("excel.sheet"); excelsheet.application.visible = true;  for(var i=0; i<rowcount; i++)  {        for(var j=0; j<colcount; j++)      {                    str= mytable.getelementsbytagname("tr")[i].getelementsbytagname("td")[j].innerhtml;         excelsheet.activesheet.cells(i+1,j+1).value = str;     } } 



 <?php    include 'simple_html_dom.php';//you have download file     //if want html file database    //$ftch_file=mysql_query("select * tb_htmlfile status=1");    //while($ftch_file_row=mysql_fetch_array($ftch_file))   //{  //$inputfile='html_file/'. $ftch_file_row['file_name'];  $inputfile='file.html';   $html = file_get_html($inputfile);    //}         $cells = $html->find('td');//if want parse div $cells = $html->find('div');     $i=0;      foreach($cells $cell)      {     // $xyz = $cell->plaintext . "#";    $var[$i]=$cell->plaintext;   $i++;   /*$he=ereg_replace("([0-9]+)", "2000", $xyz);*/  //print_r(explode("#",$xyz));     }      echo $var[$i]; //or echo $var[1]; $var[2];    ?> 


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